Wilted Peony

I wrote a blog post about how frustrating it was to select and edit the background colours for this painting. I also wrote a blog post featuring a video I did while painting these peonies.

Ultimately, taking the time and frustration to edit the background colour was well worth it and I am glad I was able to capture some of the process on video. It was fun!

Wilted Tulip Petal

This simple petal is what started my series of wilted flowers. My first iteration of it was in my Sketchbook and I did it with a Pentel Water Brush. This is an almost exact replica of that first painting. Find the original on my blog post here.

Wilted Tulip I

This is the second Wilted Tulip I did. After having done the single petal and having liked the end result, I thought I could build on that success and try it out in a slightly more complicated composition. The colours in this instance were more vibrant and so when I played with the digital background, I could get away with much more saturated and lively colour than with the single petal painting.